Saturday, February 26, 2005 I guess today was a good day. We got to teach a couple of lessons and do some finding. I don’t know if I don’t feel satisfied because we didn’t do enough work or just because…
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 Today was another good day that went really fast. Being Tuesday, we went into San Hose for district meeting. This was my first district meeting as district leader. It went well. I got to teach the…

Trying not to be “plastic”
Thursday, February 10, 2005 Well it’s been two day since I wrote last. I didn’t write on Tuesday because I was on exchanges with Elder Fa’oa and I was so involved with talking to him that I didn’t write. Yesterday…

Mission President Interviews
Tuesday, August 3, 2004 Well this morning we had to get up early because we had interviews with Pres. Beck at 7:30 way over at the MIR. It takes almost, well more than, an hour to get there and so…

Broken Refrigerator
Thursday, July 29, 2004 Well today was one of those days that you always hear about being roller coaster days emotionally. This morning we went to the MIR (Manila Institute of Religion) to do follow-ups with the sisters in our…

Things get rough near the end
Friday, July 16, 2004 Well I haven’t written for a while but I have some things that I really need to get off my chest. For the last few days Elder L. has been really distant from me. I guess…

Leading the District
Thursday, July 8, 2004 Yesterday was our preparation day. It was really long because we didn’t get to go to the temple because it is closed. I ended up getting about six letters written because we had so much time.…
Lots of Self-directed Time (Thursday, June 24, 2004)
Days are so long. I never really thought that my mission would be a trial for me. I always pictured it as a place where everybody would be more like me and I wouldn’t be the only one that stood…

Sunday Duties (Sunday, June 13, 2004)
Today was my first real day that I’ve had to do all of the AP’s duties. We have a Presidency meeting this morning and it was good. We also have a leadership meeting with all the district leaders. The meetings…

I’m Supposed To Be Here (Friday, June 11, 2004)
This week has been so busy at night because of my calling and everything that I haven’t really had any time to write. Today has been one of those emotional roller-coaster days. The only problem is that a lot of…