Monday, October 11, 2004 Well today was my last full day in San Juan district. I’m almost all packed and ready to leave tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’m happy and excited about transferring or if I’m sad really to…

Monday, October 11, 2004 Well today was my last full day in San Juan district. I’m almost all packed and ready to leave tomorrow. I’m not sure if I’m happy and excited about transferring or if I’m sad really to…
Sunday, October 10, 2004 We got to go again this morning to the Sta Cruz chapel to watch conference. It was really good as always. They seemed to mention the Philippines a lot but I’m not sure if that’s really…
Saturday, October 9, 2004 We got to watch the priesthood session of general conference this morning. It was really good. I didn’t realize how much I miss hearing from apostles and the Prophet on a regular basis. President Hinckley talked…
Friday, October 8, 2004 You could call today “law of chastity day” if you wanted to. We found out today that Bro A. has a problem with the law of chastity but what really is awful about it is that…
Thursday, October 7, 2004 We usually have follow-ups with the sisters on Thursday but today we just called them on the phone to do follow-ups. It was a lot more effective use of time. We left this morning at about…
Wednesday, October 6, 2004 I got to go to the temple again today. Of course it was awesome and I loved it. I could really just spend all day every day there and not get tired of it. After our…
Tuesday, October 5, 2004 Well the biggest news for today is that I’m sure now that I’ll transfer on next Wednesday. I found out because Elder Alongo told me that I have to go to the PBO tomorrow and get…
Monday, October 4, 2004 Well we actually implemented the new schedule today. We didn’t leave the house until 10:30 and we came back in at 9:00 tonight. We also took an hour break for lunch. It seemed like we really…
Sunday, October 3, 2004 Today was another long day at church. This morning we had a great surprise at the San Juan Ward. One family, the Delos Santos family, came to church. They have been inactive for some time now…
Saturday, October 2, 2004 Well last night we fell asleep while we were planning so I obviously was really tired and forgot to write. Today was an okay day. We tried to go to visit Brother W.R. this morning but…