Monday, July 19, 2004 I don’t actually have a journal entry from this day but I wanted to share some of my memories of the trip from the MTC to the Philippines. We left early in the morning from the…

Monday, July 19, 2004 I don’t actually have a journal entry from this day but I wanted to share some of my memories of the trip from the MTC to the Philippines. We left early in the morning from the…
Friday, July 16, 2004 Well I haven’t written for a while but I have some things that I really need to get off my chest. For the last few days Elder L. has been really distant from me. I guess…
Saturday, July 10, 2004 Well the TE was interesting last night. Elder L. doesn’t really want to talk in Tagalog much so I end up doing all of the talking. I tried to encourage him but he just doesn’t even want…
Friday, July 9, 2004 Last night Bro Santiago threw a scary situation at us. We’ve been following one “investigator” named Mumoy and we’ve been teaching him in successive situations. Bro Santiago said that we were to prepare to teach him…
Thursday, July 8, 2004 Yesterday was our preparation day. It was really long because we didn’t get to go to the temple because it is closed. I ended up getting about six letters written because we had so much time.…
Sunday, July 4, 2004 Well it looks like I’ve missed more than a week of writing. I’ll just touch on a few highlights of this week. First of all I had a really good experience in the TE on…
I don’t have an entry from my journal for this day but I do have some photos. We had a fun patriotic fireside on the 3rd and then they let us go outside and watch the fireworks that were being shot…
Elder Lewis and I had a good talk today during our companionship study. We really were able to resolve most of both of our concerns. I was upset because he is slow and we didn’t get to teach the second…
Days are so long. I never really thought that my mission would be a trial for me. I always pictured it as a place where everybody would be more like me and I wouldn’t be the only one that stood…
Today was another day. We got to go to the temple this morning. Mom and Dad gave me a lot of names to do and I had my district do them this morning. It’s always a special experience to do…