Thursday, July 29, 2004
Well today was one of those days that you always hear about being roller coaster days emotionally. This morning we went to the MIR (Manila Institute of Religion) to do follow-ups with the sisters in our district. Elder Sangco is the district leader and so he has to do that a lot. That was good I guess. The sisters are all really nice Filipinas.
After follow ups we got some more investigator records (IRs) copied and I mailed a postcard to my family. This morning our refrigerator broke because of the light switch so after coming back to our house after follow-ups we looked for help with that. The next door neighbor came and helped us so now we have electricity again. Wow was I happy because if I didn’t have a fan at night I would die!
We had a lot of good finding today and a discussion. The discussions were ok lang[1] and because the brother really wasn’t interested. We’ll follow up later and hopefully he’ll get better. Well it’s bed time again. Rules must be followed. Magandang Gabi! 🙂
[1] Ok lang: just ok