Saturday, June 11, 2005 The best thing that has happened since I last wrote is that Juhn Mardo got interviewed for baptism on Thursday. When he came out of the interview he looked so happy. I’m excited for him and…

Albert’s Baptism
Saturday, April 23, 2005 Today was a good day but also really crazy and busy. This morning we had Albert’s baptism at the chapel in Silang. We left from the meetinghouse this morning at 8:00 and got there at about…
My first baptismal interview
Saturday, April 9, 2005 Well I had to do my first baptismal interview today. It was for the sisters in Dasma Bayan II. It was really interesting because I hadn’t even met the sisters yet and I had to all…
Interviews and a spirit filled lesson
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 Well I was hoping to spend this very important day at the Temple but they changed our district meeting day to today because Pres Beck was coming and so we didn’t get to go. We had…
Helping build a church . . . it’s not what you think
Friday, February 11, 2005 Today has been an interesting and very long day. I’ll just touch lightly on what was interesting. First of all this morning we went to help the Zepata family, all of whom are Seventh-day Adventists, build…
A hard day
Saturday, January 29, 2005 We had Zone Conference today. It was really good because we are celebrating the 200 year anniversary of Joseph Smith’s birth and so all of it was about him. I really had my testimony strengthened by…

Working in the fields
Friday, December 10, 2004 We had exchanges today and I worked all afternoon with Elder Boucher. It was okay I guess. This morning we went and worked in Bro Gregorio’s bukid. We were working on stacking up the mud on…
Baptismal Interview
Friday, November 19, 2004 We had the baptismal interview for the Manzos today and it went well. They’ll be baptized on the 27th. I’m happy for them but I really hope that they understand how big this covenant really is.…
Introducing Elder Tipton
Saturday, September 4, 2004 This morning we had a good 2nd discussion with Bro Winnie Ramos. Elder Tipton has a great visual aid of a stair case with the steps being the first principles and ordinance of the gospel. It’s…