Today has been a very full day. We had a special devotional this morning. Pres. Faust spoke to us. It was really a neat experience. How often do you get to be in a room with a member of the…

Today has been a very full day. We had a special devotional this morning. Pres. Faust spoke to us. It was really a neat experience. How often do you get to be in a room with a member of the…
This week is the mission president’s seminar here at the MTC. Things are a bit different because of it. Half of the cafeteria is closed off so that they can eat in the other half. We’re having a special devotional…
Today is the last day here for the other district. They all leave sometime tomorrow. I have to admit that I’m a bit jealous. I got to watch testaments tonight and it really touched me again as it always does.…
Elder Lewis and I did our first thing as AP’s today. Every Tuesday we get to attend a meeting with all of the AP’s in branches 27-40. There we all report on how things are going in our branches and…
Today has been fairly good. This morning we were introduced to the TEC (Teaching Evaluation Center) where we can go and learn how better to teach. Elder Lewis and I signed up for our first appointment which will be on…
Today was a very relaxed day. I woke up, as usual, at six-o-clock and showered at the “Tree of Life.” The “Tree of Life” is what we call the common shower. It’s a bit uncomfortable to shower there but I…