Friday, September 24, 2004
This morning again we didn’t have any service to do. We’ve been looking all week but we haven’t had any luck. Because we didn’t have any service to do, we decided to go to the PBO and fix the church records that Elder Tipton had brought from Mindoro. We went up there and worked with one sister there getting the changes updated on the computer. The situation of the church records is really horrible here. Filipinos don’t really have any concept of keeping track of things. For example, if someone moves out of their house, nobody around knows where they went. In the states, if someone moves they tell everybody exactly where they are going. The same type of thing is true for the church records. They don’t do it right the first time so other people have to go around trying to fix all the problems. It’s a never ending process. I’ve learned that it’s so much better just to do the job right the first time and not just create more work for others.

Me with “my” jeepney (outside of corazon de Jesus). I love space and seeing a space jeepney totally made my day.
Elder Tipton and I started studying out of the “Intermediate Tagalog” book today. It’s really a good study tool. I usually would just study the scriptures for language study but that doesn’t really help with talking to normal every-day people. That book has good vocab etc for lots of common situations. I’ve already gotten a lot of good Tagalog out of it.