Thursday, December 23, 2004
Today was a crazy day. We’re sleeping in San Jose tonight because we have zone service tomorrow in Magsaysay and we have to be there fairly early. We had a good lesson this mornin to the other son on Nanay Cabanig. It went well but I’m not sure how much of it actually got into their heads. They actually speak BIsaya and that combined with our less than perfect Tagalog provided an interesting situation. We also got all the paper work for Bro Sergio Aldana done today. He hopefully will still be baptized on January 1, 2005. Elder Fa’oa is going to do his interview tomorrow so we’ll know then if that will actually go through. After lunch was when it started to go crazy. We weren’t sure how the jeepney and busses would work and so we were really anxious to get to San Jose. Well, anyway, we took our pillow-cases full of stuff for our stay in San Jose and headed out, planning to stop a few times on the trip. We made it to Sis. Espy and told her to visit Bro. Aldana and then we went to Bro Gregorio’s to do correlation. He wasn’t there and because it was only 3:30 and Sis. Gregorio told us that there would be a lot of rides later on, we decided to go back to Dagupan. Well we did and we obviously were supposed to because we taught a good second to Bro Selso Lopez. He had good questions and has good potential. After we taught Brother Lopez, we started to wait for a jeep or bus to go into San Jose. At this point it was about 5:00. Well we waited and waited but there were no vehicles going into San Jose. When, after way too much time wasted waiting around, it got to be 7:00 and we decided that we’d better start walking back to Calintaan so that we’d be in on time. We’d walked almost the whole mile back when the bus came. Argh. We decided to go ahead and ride it so that we’d get to San Jose. It was a good ride. We rode on top of the bus laying down, looking at the stars. We got into San Jose at 8:45 and went right to sleep.