Tuesday, December 28, 2004 Today was an almost utterly wasted day. We spent all morning in San Jose for district meeting and other stuff. We ate lunch at a little restaurant called Mackeys. I was feeling adventurous and so I…

Crazy travel day
Thursday, December 23, 2004 Today was a crazy day. We’re sleeping in San Jose tonight because we have zone service tomorrow in Magsaysay and we have to be there fairly early. We had a good lesson this mornin to the…
A trip to Sablayan
Wednesday, November 24, 2004 No entry from my journal this day but I have some photos from the little trip we took up north to Sablayan. Our area was huge and so we decided to explore. Sitting in the house…

Getting in late and baptismal interview questions
Thursday, November 18, 2004 The reason that I didn’t write last night is because we got in really late. We actually got into the apartment at 9:30, which was an hour and a half after we are supposed to get…

Welcome to Greenhills
Friday, July 23, 2004 Well I really need to start writing more. A lot has happened since I wrote last. Well to make things short I’m here in the Philippines now. A few highlights from the flight over here. I…

Philippines Bound!
Monday, July 19, 2004 I don’t actually have a journal entry from this day but I wanted to share some of my memories of the trip from the MTC to the Philippines. We left early in the morning from the…

Flight Plans!
Saturday, July 10, 2004 Well the TE was interesting last night. Elder L. doesn’t really want to talk in Tagalog much so I end up doing all of the talking. I tried to encourage him but he just doesn’t even want…