Thursday, January 20, 2005
Well even after the good lesson yesterday he still didn’t have the strength to say no to an invitation to drink. We dropped by their house tonight as always and sister went to go get him and when she came back all she was “pasensia lang po” which means in effect sorry now but he’s not coming. I could only gather from this that he must be really drunk that he wouldn’t even talk to us. I don’t know what to do with that man. He has no strength and frankly I’m getting sick of working with him for so long and not seeing any progress in his word of wisdom. We did on the other hand get to teach a good discussion/lesson to Bro Aldana about enduring to the end. We also ended up doing a good review of the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. He’s still doing well and I think that he’s really ready for his interview on the 29th of January. My relationship is also improving with him. Partly that is happening because I’ve been improving in my ability to speak Tagalog and also because I just talk to him more now. Tonight we also had a good follow up and reading with J R Delfino. He is a little bit interesting to teach because he’s still young and hasn’t got the longest attention span in the world. He’s really nice though and certainly has potential.