Thursday, January 13, 2005 Today was a really strange day. I don’t think we taught a single normal lesson the whole day. Also we didn’t have a single appointment actually go through at the time that we wanted it to.…
The struggles of addiction
Thursday, December 30, 2004 Satan has so great hold over these people. They literally are his slaves because they are slaves to their addictions. Everybody right now is getting ready to “celebrate” the New Year by drinking the night away.…
Miracles at church and way too much food
Sunday, December 12, 2004 I asked Elder Cox this morning if we were going to have to do anything big at church today. He told me, and I also was sure, that we weren’t responsible for anything huge. Well, when…

Don’t You Go Home (Monday, June 7, 2004)
Today was an incredibly intense spiritual day. Elder C., this morning, had his bags all packed and was dead set on going home. As soon as I was told I really didn’t know what to do. He is a great…

First “Real” Day (Thursday, May 20, 2004)
I slept fitfully last night. At about four-o-clock I had a dream that my whole apartment hadn’t gotten up and we had a mad scramble to get ready to go. We were still late. It was scary. As it worked…