Monday, August 8, 2005 Well, hopefully this is the start of good things; I’ve written two days in a row. Today we got to teach three lessons but they were all to old people that are “catholic even though we…

I learn about transfers
Friday, March 25, 2005 Well the craziness of “Holy Week” continued today with people parading down the street toward the church early in the morning and then people doing “penance” throughout the day by whipping themselves and marching around town.…

Some of the Rose family commits to Baptism
Thursday, March 24, 2005 Today has been a good day. I’ve really been trying to soak up this area because I’m now in my last week here. This morning I taught a piano lesson to Lennie Tardio. It went well.…
Understanding Apostasy
Thursday, January 13, 2005 Today was a really strange day. I don’t think we taught a single normal lesson the whole day. Also we didn’t have a single appointment actually go through at the time that we wanted it to.…