Sunday, March 20, 2005
Wow, I have been really busy these last few days and haven’t found time to write. We had companionship exchanges on Friday and so I got to work with Elder Miller for a day. Even though he is a very large person he is as gentle as a lamb. I really enjoyed working with him.
Today was also a good day. This morning we went down to Dagupan to pick up people for church. We first went by the Fantuyaw family with the Pulidos. We weren’t really counting on them so when they weren’t ready it wasn’t really a surprise. We then went to the Viloria’s house and wanted forever for them to all get ready to go. We were going to go past the Rose family with Bro Viloria but when we got out to the corner they were waiting for us. Not all of their children came but both parents, Salvadore and Erlinda, and two of their children came, Karen and JayAnn. They told us that they really liked it and they felt that they had returned. Sister told Elder Cox that hopefully her children will be baptized. I just wish that I could stay here to see it happen. We also had a good discussion about the Atonement of Jesus Christ with Mary Tess and Ricardo Malabja. They are doing well and brother is really showing progress.