Thursday, December 2, 2004
Today was a good teaching day. We taught five lessons in total. Three of which were taught to new finds off of OYMs. One of the lessons was to the son of the Inglecian minister in Dagupan. We talked to him the first time several weeks ago when he invited us into his house. We didn’t think that we’d ever get back into his house but when we went by he invited us in right away. I thought at first that he was just going to want to bash us but we actually got to start with a prayer and taught a whole first lesson. He didn’t accept a copy of the Book of Mormon and he asked us whether Jesus Christ was a person or a God. We of course told him that Jesus Christ is a god. In the Inglecia ni Cristo they believe that he is only a man. We challenged Bro. Santiago to pray and ask God if Jesus Christ also is a god. I think he’ll ask and I just hope that he has enough faith and desire to receive and answer. We also got a chance to talk to the Vice Mayor today about getting the Viloria’s married. They Viloria’s actually went also and talked with her. They are planning that hopefully they’ll go to the Municipial tomorrow and get on the list to get married. We are hoping that they’ll be able to be baptized on the 18th of December.