Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Today is my 5 month mark out on the mission. Time goes so fast. It really doesn’t seem like I’ve been out here in the Philippines for three months. We had district meeting this morning. Elder Cox taught a really good lesson about hope. He decided that we’ll focus on D&C 4 this transfer for our attributes lessons. We also had our skills lesson about using the scriptures better in our teaching. It’s great to be here where all the Elders are better than I am. I just bask in their spirit and it’s great. After our meeting we all went over to P and P’s and had some pizza. It was really good. The place is run by a really fat German guy and he cooks really well. The pizza was really good but it’s really expensive but that’s ok. I also got to email, pick up my first pair of Filipino pants, and get my hair cut today. The pants are really nice and also I got my hair cut shorter than I’ve ever had it before. I can’t even comb it over at all and parting it is a real trick. I decided to cut it because it just gets all messed up when we ride jeepny’s anyways and so I just gave up.