Thursday, December 9, 2004
I just finished fasting as part of the 40 day mission fast. we are each, as a companionship, fasting for a day on a scheduled day, with the purpose of getting our number of baptisms back up to 100 a month. It was hard partly because of hunger but also because one of us wasn’t in a very good mood today. I’m not sure if it was me rubbing off on him or the other way around. Anyhow, we didn’t talk as much as usual today. Sometimes I wonder if I just have a character that is really hard to make friends with. I’ve only felt really close to a small number of people outside of my family and I’m not sure why that is. I wish that I could improve and be a happier all-around person.
Other than my attitude, this has been an alright day. This morning we got the Viloria’s information all set up and did some work at the municipal so that we now are able to get them married next Tuesday. Hopefully the Mayor of Vice Mayor will get back from Manila before then. We also had a good refreshing first lesson up in Panay. I think that I’m finally being able to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I just need to get more faith so that I’ll have the courage to act on those promptings. I say that because I acted off a prompting today to “tao po” at the man’s house. Anyhow, a first lesson was the result. We also had a good reading session with Bro Aldana. He’s doing well on his iwas and will most likely be baptized on 1 Jan 2005. Hopefully Bro Andales will also be baptized then if he continues on the path he’s on now.