Saturday, July 24, 2004
Today we also visited the Gonzaleses. They are strong active members of the church and he is the ward mission leader now. They are awesome. We also visited for about an hour with Nanay[2] Jose about coming back to church. She has trouble because her son attends a Catholic school and she feels. I hope she’ll come back.Well I guess you could say that today was my first day of proselyting. We got to give a good first discussion to Tory and Jed. They are a good couple with three children. We met Tony last night after we taught George the first discussion. They are very promising. I think they are coming to magsimba bukas[1] but I’m not sure. I hope they do. During the discussion the spirit was there and we committed him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. I need to remember to pray for him. We also went to the baptismal interview for Judy today. She will be baptized next week. Her friend, Juris, who was also taking the discussions, is moving and can’t get baptized because her mother won’t let her. It is too bad.

My first room, it was very wet when the ceiling leaked and it leaked a lot. The window also had no screen so we were bombarded by insects all night long. I think I got bitten several hundred times in that bed!
Well I am physically and mentally exhausted so I’ll go to bed now.
[1] magsimba bukas: come to church tomorrow.
[2] nanay: mother. We would also often call older women, especially in the church, Nanay.