Saturday, September 18, 2004
We had a really good discussion with Bro. Winnie Ramos this morning. We taught him a third discussion about the founding of the church in our time. He really felt the spirit and it was good. At the end of our discussion he just sighed and said that he felt good. I told him that what he was feeling was the Holy Ghost. I realized today how much of the spirit we carry with us as missionaries and even as members of the church. I’ve sort of just taken the companionship of the Holy Ghost for granted sometimes but I sort of realized today how much power and help that he really gives to me. I have great hopes for Brother Winnie Ramos. Elder Tipton and I were talking and we said that sometimes it’s given to us as missionaries to see people’s potential as members of the church someday. I really hope that he’ll come to church tomorrow so that he’ll keep his commitments and continue progressing toward baptism.